ConnectWise Manage: Utilizing Sales Orders on September 17, 10:00 AM EDT - CLOSED
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Event Description

ConnectWise Manage: Utilizing Sales Orders




Sales are driven by financial goals, and in order to achieve these goals, you must establish a sales process. Sales Orders can be used to bridge your sales handoff from an Opportunity to a Service Ticket, Project, or Agreement. In this webinar learn why you would use a Sales Order and how to create, convert and bill them!

This webinar will cover

  • What are Sales Orders
  • When to use Sales Orders
  • Sales Handoff
  • Billing Sales Orders  


New and improved webinar format

We redesigned our format to help you get the most out of webinars. They are shorter and include a live Q&A!

  • Attend the live webinar on September 17, 10:00 AM, followed by the Q&A portion.  
  • Submit your questions by emailing and we'll answer them in the live Q&A.


Dylan Baxter Renee Bergstresser
Software Training
Software Training Consultant


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