Troubleshooting Outlook Sync


This section provides information on how to use the Outlook Sync Diagnostic Tool.

How do I use the Outlook Sync Diagnostic Tool?

The Outlook Sync Diagnostic Tool can be located under your startup folder on your ConnectWise server for the CWADMIN user account.  The diagnostic tool will startup on login for the user CWADMIN.

Let's go over a list of of features that the diagnostic tool can help you with troubleshooting Outlook Sync:

Live Outlook Sync Log

This feature allows you to view real time syncing for Outlook Sync.  This will display results on synced records that were successful or if it failed.

A common error for a synced record that failed would be:

"2008-01-20 00:03:50,390 [8] ERROR OutlookSyncApplication.SyncDriver - Could not find member with mapi name: Tom Castillo"

This indicates that this members MAPI name is not setup correctly.  You can use the Diagnostics tab to test for MAPI names.

Full Sync

This feature allows you to sync all your contacts out of your public folder.

This feature has some potential unexpected consequences, therefore it requires a password from ConnectWise.  If you feel you must re-sync all of your contacts, Please contact ConnectWise for the password.


This features tests all your members that have Outlook Sync enabled on their member maintenance screen.  This feature will detect if the MAPI name is in the correct format.

A common error while testing MAPI names is:

"The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found."

Either you do not have this member setup on your Exchange or the MAPI name is incorrect.

Let's go over how to update MAPI names:

  1. Enter the correct MAPI name
  2. Click [Update MAPI name]
  3. Click [Try Again]

There are two additional options for this tester:

Turn off Outlook Sync for this Member will uncheck the enable check box for the member on their member maintenance screen, resulting in no Outlook Sync integration for this member.

Skip this Member will not correct the MAPI name, resulting in a synced error in the Live Outlook Sync Log when a scheduled record has been created for this member.

Troubleshooting Guide

If you need additional troubleshooting help, you can refer to the Outlook Sync Troubleshooting guide.  It will provide you help from using the Outlook Sync Installation Wizard to general information if Outlook sync is not working for one or many users within your organization.